Ecran (2007). Liverpool
My proposal for Widnes consists of one or several sculptural pieces.The work entails investing the site with the creation of a visual tool that adapts to a variety of urban situations. This tool will allow for dynamic interpretation of context, becoming an integral part of the city's image and the social functions of its public urban space.
This visual tool consists of patterns in perforated metal, which has been pierced with thousands of holes - a technique I have been exploring in my work in public urban space over the past few years. Each sculpture is an interactive installation, a "sensorial chamber" made of semi-transparent panels of metal that the visitor can enter, explore, and look out of, to the surrounding landscape.The patterns in the sculpture create an impression of transparency and permeability, allowing it to interact with the environment as if visually absorbing it.
The sculptures will be situated in locations of the city that are specifically chosen so as to emphasize important elements of the urban landscape. They will also be the source of an "urban archaeology", with the creation of pictograms that refer to the history and memory of the locations.
In certain chosen areas of the metal, the pattern of the holes form pictograms, images that have significance with regards to the sculpture's location, its present or past features, and its history. They work like a code to be deciphered, encouraging awareness of the area and its characteristics.
The first on-site work to be done is to create this code, by identifying the significant elements that will connect us to specific locations of the site, and recreating them as graphic images for the pictograms. These elements can be found at the existing site and in archives. The pictograms can be seen as clues to Widnes' geology and history, a kind of poetic cartography of a place in evolution.
Not initially apparent to the eye, the pictograms blend into the overall impression of the sculpture, until emerging as a subtle densification of points. Their discovery will draw the attention of spectators, visitors and passers-by, offering each a personal and interactive experience.
- Sydney 2023
- Séoul 2024
- Qianhai Word - Shenzhen 2020/2021
- Crossing 2020 - Pittsburgh (en cours de création)
- Place Making Bruxelles 2018-2019
- Core Nubes-Aéroport du Bourget - 2018/2021
- EXPO 1/72è LandART 2022-2023 TOULOUSE
- Exposition IVRESSE 2022
- LES CHAMBRES SENSORIELLES 2019/2020 Galerie La Forest Divonne
- EXPO Chambres sensorielles - Château de Poncé/Loir
- Exposition "VIVRE" Abbaye de Silvacan
- "IVRESSE" Mai juin 2017 Paris Galerie Laforest divonne
- "ESPRIT DE VIN" 2016/2017 Lilles musee des Beaux arts
- "LES TEMPS IMPARTIS" 2015 Bruxelles Galerie la forêt Divonne
Chine (2012-2019)
- AoYang 2018
- Sanya -2018-2019
- Soleil Rouge - Shangra
- Orgues du vent - Nanjing
- Constellation - Wuhan
- Phénix-Oriflamme - Tianjin
- Vortex (2014). Jurong (Chine)
- Sensorial Room - Jurong 2142
- Expo Dubaï 2020
- Gira londa (2017) Bordeaux
- Alliance, Cardiff - Royaume-Uni (2009-2010)
- Litanie (2007) - Valenciennes (France)
- L'Onde (2007) - Luxembourg
- Passe-muraille (2006) - Luxembourg
- Temps Imparti (1999-2002)
- Fluorescence - Japon (2009-2011)
- L'Auréole (2002) - Paris
- Une Structure Anthropologique (2005)- Strasbourg
- Immersion, Londres - Royaume-Uni (2009-2011)
- Expo Bruxelles du 8 juin au 20 juillet - Galerie LA FOREST DIVONNE
- Porte du Millénaire (Aubagne 2005)
- Le Puit-Mayet (ville de Mayet, France)
- Invalides (2013) - Paris
- Grand Memorial Notre-Dame-de-Lorette(2013)
- Se créer... (2011). Pékin (Chine)
- Eu - France (2010-2011)
- Equeurdreville - France (2010)
- Parc du musée de Tessé du Mans - France (2009)
- Cap d'Agde (France) 2009
- Clepsydre (2007)
- Corolles (2006-2007)
- Chambre sensorielle (2006).
- Etre-Noms (2004)
- Chambre d'éclipse - Donjon de Vez (2002)
- Etre-Mots (2000)
- Dur désir de durer. Vannes (2000)
- Capteur de songe - lysfiskeren - Bergen - Norvège
- Polen - Londres (2011)
- The Ring (2008). Londres
- Jussieu (France) 2009
- Stadion (2003). Salzbourg
- Ecran (2007). Liverpool
- Perth (Australie) 2009
- Vancouver (Canada) 2009
Oeuvre à sable
- Expo 2015: Temps impartis et être mot
- Boa vibrant 2002-2003
- Temps imparti & paysages (2000)
- Eboulis 1998
- Depossession (1994)
- les réversibles
- irreversible 2002
- Les centemps